

SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Syracuse
NYS Ranger School: AAS-Forest Technology 1978


Professional Land Surveyor,
State of Washington License #26304, obtained July 1989
Certified Federal Surveyor Certification
Number 1059, obtained February 2007

Appointed by the Governor to the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors, September 2014.
Land Surveyors’ Association of Washington, Surveyor of the Year 2006
Land Surveyors’ Association of Washington, State President 2000
Member of the Land Surveyor’s Association of Washington
Member of the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS)
Former Land Surveyors’ Association of Washington Update Definition Chairperson
Former Land Surveyors’ Association of Washington Board of Registration Committee Chairperson
Former Washington State Governor and Director of the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS)


Washington State Plane Coordinate System Workshop
Astronomic Observation Workshop
Survey Measurements and their Analysis
Global Positioning Systems
Positional Tolerance
Water Boundaries
Survey Law
Certified Federal Surveyor Geodetic Control Database
Agreements and Boundary Line Adjustments
2009 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Manual Study


Since acquiring my license in 1989 I have traveled to Olympia numerous times as a subject matter expert to help the Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (BOR) write and evaluate the Professional Land Surveying exam. This entailed actually taking the PLS exam in order to evaluate the questions for ambiguities and relevance. In addition to this, I was appointed to a 30-member team of subject matter experts from across the United States.  This team traveled to Clemson, South Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia to take, evaluate and determine the minimum passing score of the National Professional Land Surveyors exam
administered by the National Council of Examiners for Surveying.

I have had articles published in professional journals and have given seminars on various surveying topics.

In 2007 I was asked to be a beta test member for the Certified Federal Surveying (CFedS) program. After obtaining my federal certification I was the first to perform a survey, Land Description Review (LDR) and Chain of Surveys (COS) certifications in Washington state and the first to perform a Federal Authority survey in Washington State.

From February 2000 to February 2001 I was the President of the Land Surveyor’s Association for the State of Washington.

I served as the  NSPS Governor and Director for Washington State and the BOR liaison for the State of Washington.

I am currently serving as a Pro-Tem member of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.